The Hermit Tarot Card Description: The snow-capped range in the background of The Hermit card symbolizes his path of self-discovery, which has led him to a higher level of awareness and understanding.
The lantern with a six-pointed star that he is holding in his right hand symbolizes wisdom and is a symbol of the Seal of Solomon. The lamp illuminates his path as he walks, but only his next few steps rather than his entire journey. He knows that only some things reveal on the illuminated trail. So, he must step forward to see what lies ahead. He uses a long staff to guide and balance himself (a sign of his power and authority in the subconscious mind).

The Hermit Tarot Card Upright
When the Hermit Tarot card shows upright, it suggests that you are close to spiritual enlightenment, self-reflection, and soul searching. Finding your true spiritual self may require a break from your routine or think about your values, direction, or existence. Doing this will give you a greater comprehension of yourself. A hermit can also symbolize isolating yourself to escape a challenging situation. Because of this Major Arcana trump card, you might want to socialize with people less than you usually would. If the Hermit appears, you should focus on meeting your needs. If the Hermit is wise, mature, and knowledgeable, they might tell you to see a counselor or psychiatrist.
Taking time for yourself
The Hermit suggests that you are taking a break from your daily life to find answers deep within you. You are setting off on a journey of self-discovery, guided only by your inner wisdom and guiding light.
You understand that the most insightful truths and knowledge lie within yourself and not in the world around you. If you’re considering going on a weekend retreat or sacred pilgrimage to connect with your authentic self, now is the time.
The Hermit beckons you to retreat into your private world to understand yourself better. When you tune into your inner guiding light, you will receive the answers you need and become wiser beyond your years. This journey is best undertaken alone or in an intimate group of like-minded, spiritually-focused people.

Find your light, and let it shine.
Once you know where to step next, you can see it. You won’t see it miles ahead, but you will know where to go next.
You may come to a crossroads and consider changing your path. Through contemplation, meditation, and self-reflection, you can assess your personal goals and change your overall direction. You will gain a greater, more profound spiritual understanding of your life, leading to some priorities changes.
The Hermit also symbolizes rejecting consumerism and materialism to focus on personal growth. The Hermit seeks answers from within and knows they will only come when they are alone.
A hermit can also be a spiritual mentor, giving you the wisdom and resources needed to raise your vibration and improve your awareness. The strength of such a mentor lies in their expertise and ability to assist you in finding answers for yourself.
The Hermit Tarot Card in a Love Reading Upright Meaning
After a bad breakup or past heartbreak, the Hermit symbolizes healing from loneliness and isolation. Regarding relationships, the Hermit upright can represent a wiser and older partner or indicate a desire to be celibate or chaste. You will be ready to start anew soon. You should also devote more time to finding a potential partner if you are single. Rather than spending quality time together, you and your partner may be too focused on doing your own thing.
Finance and Occupation in a Tarot Reading
The Hermit’s appearance in a career-oriented context may signify that you are excessively concentrated on your job, earnings, or materialistic cravings instead of apportioning your attention between pastimes that will gratify you on both a personal and professional level. As an outcome, you might start to question your career’s direction. You might look for a new line of work where money and materialism aren’t the only driving forces. In finance, it is now a time to be judicious in handling money and investments.
The Hermit Tarot Card in a Health Reading
Most people see hermits as people who are unhealthy because they isolate themselves. However, you will harm your health if you’re always rushed and never have time for yourself. Taking even a short break to meditate or de-stress can be beneficial.
Spirituality and The Hermit in Tarot
The primary concern of The Hermit is spiritual enlightenment, making now an ideal moment to pursue spiritual endeavors. You may desire solitude or alienation in a period of intense spiritual growth. This growth can take the form of meditation, energy work, psychic development, or connecting with your spirit guides. Listening to your inward guidance during this time will greatly benefit you on a spiritual plane. Although, keep sight of your goal to evolve spiritually and let yourself enjoy the process.
When The Hermit is Reversed in a Reading
The Hermit Tarot card, in reverse, suggests that you have become too reclusive or withdrawn from the world. The Hermit reverse indicates that you need to get back into the world and the people around you after a time when solitude was necessary or beneficial. The value of soul-searching and self-reflection is excellent in moderation, but too much of it can hurt you.
The Major Arcana card in reversed position suggests ending things and moving forward, but don’t be afraid to put yourself back out there. You may feel shy or uncomfortable about social situations right now.
The Hermit appearing in reverse can also symbolize a fear of introspection and a refusal to self-reflect. Your perspectives may become inflexible and restricted if you become too obsessed with a person or thing.

Reflect on who you truly are
The Hermit Reversed indicates you need to give yourself more time for reflection or you are. The Hermit Reversed encourages you to make more space for reflection and meditation if you find connecting with your spiritual side challenging. We have reached a point where it is time to look within to discover your greater purpose on earth. You may have forgotten to listen to your inner voice because you are too busy dealing with day-to-day issues.
The Hermit’s wish is for you to discover your spiritual self and improve yourself from the inside out.
The Hermit Reversed symbolizes that you may have taken this whole isolation thing too far if you have already spent time reflecting on your inner self. Are you becoming reclusive and detaching yourself from others? Remain attached to others, even during your spiritual expedition. Be attentive to other people’s necessities as well. Do not let your family and friends go through hardship because you are distracted by yourself and your predicaments.
The Hermit Reversed symbolizes unwelcome isolation in a relationship.
You should respect when the other person needs space and be there for each other when needed. For example, one person might want some alone time or distance themselves from the relationship, while another might want to strengthen the bond. In contrast, you might be doing everything you can to not be alone because being alone is so unappealing and daunting.
Despite the difficulties, both of you still want to be together. The Hermit Reversed suggests that you might be ready to try reconciling if you have separated. You may have only been apart for a short time, and you both still want to work through these issues together.

Relationships and Love when The Hermit Tarot Card is Reversed
In a Tarot love reading, the reversed Hermit may mean you are feeling lonely due to feeling abandoned or rejected by your partner. It may also mean that you and your partner are busy to the point where you cannot connect, causing loneliness despite being technically in a relationship. Finally, it could mean that one person withdraws from the relationship while the other still tries to maintain it.
If the Hermit appears in reverse, single people may feel afraid of being left behind or may have missed out on the opportunity to meet someone special. After being single for quite some time, the reverse Hermit can suggest you’re ready to find someone special. Be brave and try again. A recent breakup could indicate a desire to reunite with your partner.
Finances and Occupation The Hermit Tarot Card Reversed Reading
The Hermit reversed in a career context may symbolize that after working independently, it is time to start networking professionally and making business connections. Doing some teamwork or consulting work could help you interact with more people in your desired field if you are struggling to work by yourself. In terms of investments and finances, now would be an opportune moment to seek advice from a more experienced and level-headed individual. Ensure that you comprehend money before making any decisions.

Tarot Health Reading the Hermit in Reverse
The reversed Hermit Tarot card can be a stronger warning than the upright Hermit Tarot card, suggesting you need to relax, or your health may suffer. In a health context, the reversed Hermit Tarot card can indicate mental health problems such as agoraphobia and paranoia.
Spiritual Meaning The Hermit Tarot Reversed
If you see a reversed Hermit in a spiritual context, it could be an indication that you’re spending too much time by yourself. Consider joining a meditation class, Reiki sharing circle, tarot reading circle, or yoga class to encourage your spiritual development. Maintaining connections with others is crucial even as you work on self-development.