Tarot, the Wheel of Fortune. The unpronounceable name of God, YHVH, is inscribed on the face of the Wheel on the Wheel of Fortune card. A large wheel surrounds three figures on its outer edges. Upon entering the outer circle, a snake representing Typhon (the God of Volcanic forces and Winds) descends from the left. Snakes represent the life force descending into the material world, while Anubis, the Egyptian God of the Dead, welcomes souls into the underworld on the right. Knowledge and strength are symbolized by the Sphinx, which sits atop the Wheel.
Each of the four-winged creatures depicted on the Wheel of Fortune card represents a fixed Zodiac sign:
- The angel represents Aquarius.
- The eagle represents Scorpio.
- The lion represents Leo.
- The bull represents Taurus.
Each holds the Torah, symbolizing wisdom, and their wings represent stability amidst change.
Card Meaning in General
In a Tarot reading, an upright Wheel of Fortune indicates that you are about to undergo significant changes. It is a Major Arcana symbol of change, which denotes luck or destiny. Change can be tricky, even if it’s leading you to your future. If the Wheel of Fortune is upright, it indicates the Universe is working for you.
Take advantage of this time to focus on what you truly want.
It is essential to know that even if you aren’t sure what the Universe has in store for you at this point, the Wheel of Fortune symbolizes the ever-changing cycles in our lives. We must accept this as a normal part of life, even if it is sometimes uncomfortable. You may meet people again on your way down, so be nice to them on your way up! A trump card is also a karma card, so behave well on your way up!

An upright version of the Wheel of Fortune
You can rest assured that things will get better soon if you’re going through a difficult time. Good fortune and luck will come your way in the future. Also, know that life will return to ‘normal’ soon if things are going well. In an instant, they can disappear – so it is important to cherish and make the most of these blissful moments while they are still within reach. Because these blissful moments can disappear in the blink of an eye, you must cherish and cherish them while they are still within reach.
Known as the Wheel of karma, the Wheel of Fortune reminds you to always be kind to others.
The more kind and loving you are to others, the more kind and loving they will be to you. In order to have happiness and abundance, send out that positive energy. Your actions will have a resounding effect on the Universe, so make sure you are sending out good vibes.
The Wheel of Fortune card encourages optimism and faith so that the Universe can address your situation in the best way possible.
By using meditation and visualization, you can strengthen your intention to bring prosperity, good fortune, and abundance to you. Your life will turn positive if you are willing to expand and grow. Be open to all kinds of signs from the Universe and synchronicities. Miracles are happening behind you, thanks to fate and destiny.
Throughout your journey, you will receive guidance from both the physical and spiritual realms.
The archangels and the ascended masters may also be able to support and guide you. You should take advantage of their support at this time. You may feel compelled to seek support and guidance from them.
A Tarot card such as the Wheel of Fortune may shock you if you like to maintain control and stability.
It suggests that the Universe dishes up whatever it pleases; it is unpredictable and unnerving. The Wheel of Fortune appears to be dishing out whatever it wants. No matter how the Wheel turns, it is impossible to try to change it. It is one of the most challenging aspects of the game. Go with the flow. Accept and adapt what is happening.
Last but not least, the Wheel of Fortune can indicate a turning point in your life.
There is a chance for you to make a significant change in your life. Even though it may seem unusual and unexpected, this is an opportunity you can take advantage of. Tune into your intuition and let the Universe guide you to have better results.
Relationships & Love (Upright)
You might be embarking on a new phase with your partner or even launching some joint project if you’re in a relationship if the Wheel of Fortune is upright. If you are no longer content in your relationship, the Wheel of fortune can signal a significant and challenging change. It could be a breakup that will allow you to move forward with your life or it could be you and your partner shaking things up and making needed changes to improve your relationship.
No matter what happens, you will find yourself where you are supposed to be.
Singles, the Wheel of Fortune can suggest the Universe is trying hard for you to find love, but you have to cooperate to get there! If you see this card in your Tarot spread, you can get what you want in a partner, so you should get out and meet new people. You are now lucky in love, so you should get out there.
The Wheel symbolizes destiny; this card can represent soulmates when used in love.
Looking at the supporting cards can confirm this. If you are single, it could indicate that you will meet your soulmate very soon. If you’re in a relationship, it may tell you’re meant to be together.
Money & Career (Upright)
It is usually a good omen and a sign of big changes coming in the career context when the Wheel of Fortune is upright. It’s the perfect time to start your own business or consider changing careers. Wheel of Fortune is still an indicator of changes that may come to you if you are happy and stable in your career. Now is the time to strive for your dreams.
Despite the challenges you face during these changes, you will ultimately benefit from them, so embrace them and make the most of them.
As it indicates a shift in money, Wheel of Fortune warns you to be prepared for the unexpected if you have consistently been comfortable financially. Keep something on hand so you can utilize it if needed. Having a Wheel of Fortune Tarot card upright indicates good financial luck if you’ve been experiencing financial difficulties.
Health Meaning (Upright)
When it comes to a health reading, Wheel of Fortune emphasizes change. Therefore, if you have been battling health problems, the Wheel may turn in your favor. In the same vein, you may have to make some necessary adjustments to your life due to health issues.
A bout of illness may force you to slow down if you’ve been pushing yourself mentally, physically, or emotionally.
This card may be the Universe’s way of telling you to better care of your body and health. Pay attention to the warning and take positive steps to keep your health and body in good shape.

Spirituality and the Wheel of Fortune in an Upright Position
In a spiritual context, you should take advantage of this opportunity to develop and grow. When the Wheel of Fortune appears upright, fate is smiling at you. As you walk on this spiritual path, you should play your part and seize the opportunities that arise. As you progress, you may discover that situations fall into place and that you meet spiritual friends who can assist you. In this time of synchronicity, you may notice many signs and symbols everywhere.
Wheel Of Fortune Meaning when Reversed
If the Wheel of Fortune is upside down, your luck or fortune might suffer. There may be unexpected changes, or opposing forces may play out, leaving you helpless. Now you can take control of your destiny and regain control over your life. You can either do nothing and hope things will get better, or you can do something to make your situation better.
Accepting responsibility for your current circumstances is the first step to changing your destiny.
You might have been able to change where you are now even if you had done something differently earlier in life. How can you use this situation to prevent you from making the same mistakes in the future?
If you feel forced to accept change, reversed Wheel of Fortune can indicate resistance.
Change has become a major source of stress for you, and you may be trying to stop events from progressing consciously or subconsciously. By accepting that change is inevitable, you will be able to undergo a much better experience.
It is possible, however, to break a negative cycle that has lasted for a long time by having the Wheel of Fortune Reversed.
When you have realized that your actions have led to a repetitive situation, you may be ready to break free of it. For some, this may come naturally after a period of self-discovery and introspection. The Devil or The Tower may have to appear in your reading for others to be open to change.

General meaning and interpretation (Reversed)
It is still possible to see change in a reversed Wheel of Fortune Tarot card, but it is likely to be a negative and unwelcome one. You may find it difficult to adjust to the changes that are about to come if you have reversed Wheel of Fortune. In other words, things were going well but suddenly fell apart. Feeling out of control and helpless when your health suddenly deteriorates can leave you feeling powerless.
Even though there may have been some outside factors, the current situation is likely a result of your decisions.
To learn from this situation, you must take responsibility for your choices and control your condition. Even though the Wheel of Fortune is in reverse, you have an excellent opportunity here for karmic lessons to help you move forward into a brighter and better future, so seize it and don’t resist change even if things seem harsh. Our lives are full of ups and downs; sometimes, we learn more from hardships than good fortunes.
Love & Relationships The Wheel of Fortune in Reverse
In a love relationship, it can symbolize stagnancy or a loss of spark in the connection. Even though all relationships have ups and downs, don’t make a knee-jerk decision to end the relationship. If you are experiencing a slump in your partnership, try to assess the situation and figure out what works best for you.
There may be a transition between phases in your relationship, and you may be experiencing a slump in between these phases.
Regardless of what happens, this time of upheaval will pass. In the past, mistakes may have been made that can cause problems in the present.
You must look at your choices and behavior if you have been unlucky with love or are single.
Have you lost opportunities for love? Learn from your mistakes and you will have another chance. You can change your luck by applying your karmic lessons to your future. You choose the tasks you want to learn in this life. The reversed Wheel of Fortune Tarot card represents setbacks or delays, whether single or in a relationship. Keep an open mind; there’s only one way up.
The Reversed Money & Career Card
As a career card, the Wheel of Fortune reversed means a stagnant career or a period of disruption and uncertainty in the profession. In reverse, this Major Arcana card can indicate that you will face unwelcome changes. Examine your career decisions and honestly ask yourself if they have helped you achieve what you seek. Were you able to take advantage of the opportunities presented to you? Don’t beat yourself up if you didn’t. You are only experiencing temporary setbacks at the moment.
A reversed Wheel of Fortune is not a good time to gamble or take financial risks.
Instead, learn from past mistakes and prepare for when the Wheel swings upwards again. If you feel the pinch financially, the trump card may indicate you need to save money or build yourself a safety net. When your financial situation improves, carry the lessons from this time forward.

Health Reading in Reverse
You may find that you are experiencing disruption or upheaval in another area of your life which is hurting your health if you see Wheel of Fortune reversed. Despite the stress of change, especially unwelcome change, remember that even if you cannot control the situation, you can control how you react to it. Try to be positive and keep your pessimism at bay. Keep taking care of yourself and your body even through tough times; your health will benefit. Instead of trying to prevent events from happening, take positive steps to care for yourself.
Spirituality (Reversed)
The Wheel of Fortune reversed may feel like the Universe is working against you from a spiritual perspective, and nothing is going your way. Despite our darkest days, the Universe has a plan for us all. Don’t lose faith! Instead, use this time to strengthen your connection to your higher self. You’ll emerge from this time more vital and more connected to your spiritual self if you don’t resist the changes it brings.
Position on the Wheel of Fortune for advice
It is time to accept transformations in social patterns, physical moves, or spiritual awakenings.
You are safe as you spin around and around the Wheel. As you learn, you will learn quickly, and the lessons you learn will benefit you for the rest of your life.
Check out our other Tarot Card meanings here.