A brave warrior stands inside a chariot in the Chariot Tarot card. His armor is adorned with crescent moons symbolizing creation, and a tunic with a square representing the strength of will. The laurel and star crown signify victory, success, and spiritual evolution. Although the charioteer appears to be driving the Chariot, he is holding a wand. The wand is similar to The Magician’s, symbolizing that he controls everything through the strength of his mind and will.
Charioteer stands tall – he’s not one to sit down – he’s all about moving forward and taking action.
Throughout the canopy of six-pointed stars, he appears connected to the celestial world and the Divine. The sphinxes representing positive and negative forces, and sometimes opposing ones, are in front of the vehicle. The charioteer uses his willpower and sheer determination to steer the Chariot in the direction he wants despite the sphinxes pulling in opposite directions.
A wide river flows behind the Chariot, symbolizing the need to be in sync with life’s rhythm while charging ahead toward your goals.
The Chariot Tarot Card Upright Meaning
The Lovers card taught you how to make decisions aligned with your values, and now you’re taking action. The Chariot represents willpower, determination, and strength. A Tarot reading showing The Chariot is an encouraging sign. You’ve set your goals and are now tapping into your inner power with a deep dedication to achieving them. To succeed, you must be disciplined, committed, and persistent.
Don’t be passive and hope for the best.
Refrain from letting challenges deter you from taking action and staying the course. You will be tested as you are pulled in opposite directions. Other people may try to block you, distract you, or slow you down. You can push past obstacles by drawing on your willpower and focusing on what’s most important to you in The Chariot.
It is an excellent sign that you will succeed if you maintain focus and remain confident in your abilities.
The Chariot is an indication that you should keep your focus. Focusing on the task at hand requires perseverance and self-control. You can’t take shortcuts or the easy way out, or you will fail. Focus on your strengths, and don’t get caught up in your weaknesses. It is up to you to achieve victory rather than focusing on your weaknesses.
The Chariot encourages you to be bold and to take risks.
To achieve your goals, you must be brave in expressing your desires and setting boundaries. To build on the personal belief systems and values established by The Lovers card, you must have faith in yourself and understand who you are and what you stand for fundamentally.
The Chariot is always associated with travel.
Love & Relationships The Chariot Tarot Upright
According to a Love Tarot reading, the Chariot Tarot claims that if your relationship struggles, you must strive to get past the challenges you face. If you’re determined to succeed, put in the hard work and stay focused.
It is key to being successful in life to get anxiety under control, which is what the Chariot Tarot—a symbol of balancing heart and mind—stresses. For your relationship to improve, you may need to break through your partner’s emotional defenses if they use logic as a defense mechanism. If you’re single, The Chariot Tarot says you have had trouble in past relationships.
You can progress in your love life by overcoming the hurt from your past.

Money & Career The Chariot Tarot Upright
You should feel motivated and ambitious when working with The Chariot. If you have conflicts with co-workers you think are trying to sabotage you, put your worries aside and keep your self-control. You can also take advantage of this time to get the job you’ve always wanted if you’re looking for a job or feel stuck in a rut career-wise. The competition will be no match for you, and you will succeed! Travel related to work can also be symbolized by The Chariot.
It can also symbolize overcoming obstacles in an economic context. The card indicates the right time to overcome an impossible financial challenge. Also, it represents a significant travel or transportation purchase, such as a car, plane ticket, or holiday.
Health Upright The Chariot Tarot
Suppose you have been experiencing health problems that have sapped your strength. In that case, you will soon have renewed energy and motivation to address them. Your road to recovery may be long, but you are strong enough to overcome it. The Chariot can also represent digestive issues. This is the perfect time to start exercising again!
Spirituality Upright position in reading
You can interpret The Chariot spiritually as a symbol of the beginning of a spiritual journey. You will encounter obstacles along the way, but you are more than prepared for them, and they will lead you to more extraordinary things. Stay focused, and don’t be afraid to try new things. You will reap the benefits.

The Chariot Tarot Reversed
The Chariot in an upright position signifies the potential to move forward with a significant project, despite any obstacles. However, it is time to change direction when the Chariot is reversed. You may need more motivation for the project or are less committed to its success than you once were. When things are going differently than planned, it may be time to reassess the situation and consider whether a different approach is necessary. Ask yourself: Are the challenges I’m facing due to a deeper issue? Can I learn anything from this experience?
It may be a warning sign when you let obstacles and challenges get in the way of your goals.
Your motivation is fading, and it all seems too complicated. Let’s take a moment to reflect on why you want to achieve this goal and what matters most to you. In the face of difficulties, will you give up or allow other people’s opinions to sway you? Are you committed to seeing this through?
Focus on what is within
Before taking action, you may focus your energy and attention on internal processes, such as self-discipline, inner resolve, and personal dedication. It may be possible for you to identify the objectives that align with your Higher Self. You can also align your energy with your goals through visualization and meditation. When it is time to take action, these internally focused actions will set you up for success.

This is an opportunity to take charge of your destiny and become more disciplined.
Losing power can be discouraging, but it is essential to remember that you can only control what is within your power. Do not worry about what you cannot change, as you cannot change it now. Instead, focus on what you can do to improve the situation.
When trying to micromanage every detail, you might feel even less in control of your life.
Increase your flexibility
You can be out of the driver’s seat. Try to be more flexible and let things happen as they will. Be open to accepting help, and appreciate whatever you receive, even if it isn’t what you expected.
The Chariot Tarot Reversed
If you attempt to advance a project when it would be better to hold back, you may find yourself hitting a wall. The motivation could have diminished, and you might not feel as dedicated to the outcome as when you began. If a situation is progressing differently than intended, reevaluate it and see if a change is needed. Then ask yourself: Are there more profound reasons for the condition? What can I learn from this?

Suppose it feels like it’s all getting too hard, and you don’t have the willpower to keep going. In that case, The Chariot Reversed can be a warning that you’re allowing obstacles and challenges to stand in your way of achieving what you’ve set out to do. Take a moment to think about what matters most and why you want to achieve this goal. Would you give up as soon as the going gets tough, or would you let others’ opinions sway you?
The Chariot Tarot: Align with your higher self
You may focus on internal processes, such as self-discipline, personal strength, and determination, before taking action if you see a Chariot Reversed. Concentrating on the intentions in line with your Higher Self can ensure your energy is aligned with what you want. Visualizing and meditating can also help you align your energy with your goals. Once you take these internally focused actions, you will be ready to act when the time comes.
Focus on what can be done
If you like controlling your destiny and knowing where you are going, now is the time to become more disciplined. It can be discouraging to feel powerless, but remembering what you can control is more important than what you cannot. Don’t worry about what’s out of your power to change. Instead, focus on what is under your control. Think about how you might improve the situation.
Becoming too Controlling
The Chariot Reversed also illustrates that you may be trying to control every aspect of your life – which only leads to feeling more lost. Instead, relax and let things take their natural course. You do not always have to be the one in charge. Be open to accepting help, and be grateful for what you receive, even if it is not exactly what you want.
General meaning and interpretation The Chariot Tarot Reversed
The Chariot Tarot card in reverse can symbolize a lack of direction and feelings of powerlessness. It may be time to take charge of your destiny and forge your own path instead of allowing outside forces to dictate your trajectory. Be proactive in changing your circumstances. If the people in your life are a source of frustration and resentment, take back your power by setting boundaries and sticking to them.

Love and Relationships Reversed Card
The Chariot reversed suggests that you slow down if you are experiencing a slowdown in your relationship. Be patient and confident that things will work out in their own time. If you force things, it may be disastrous. Do not be coerced into moving your relationship forward if you feel pressured.
The same message applies whether you are single or not: do not rush things. Take a step back and consider your needs. Sometimes it is better to take action back and let things progress at their own pace. Take your time to learn about your new love interest without piling on the pressure.
Finance and Work Reversed
When The Chariot is reversed, we can still see the same ambition and motivation in The Chariot upright. However, the reversed Chariot suggests that you are trying to run before you can walk! If you’re too forceful with your approach, you may fail. Reach your goals by taking small steps.
You need to take a step back, evaluate the obstacles, and consider a softer approach to achieving your goals. When making financial investments or deals, be cautious not to rush into them without proper consideration. Get solid financial advice and all the necessary information before committing to anything.
Health The Chariot Tarot Reversed
Like its definition when upright, The Chariot reversed symbolizes a sudden increase in motivation and energy regarding health. It is advisable to ease into an exercise program instead of trying to do too much at once. Rushing things will only lead to potential injuries.
Spirituality The Chariot Tarot in Reversed Position
If the Chariot is reversed in a spiritual context, you are excited and prepared for a spiritual voyage. Stay focused on ticking off what you want to experience on this spiritual journey to block yourself from the unpredictable. We often stumble upon experiences we had yet to anticipate while chasing spiritual objectives. More often than not, these experiences are more satisfying than anything we could have hoped for.